Thursday 5 February 2009

Moumen El Maghraouy

Hey, if I had known about Abdelmoumen El Maghraouy earlier, I'd have made him our Man of the Month! As it is, he'll do fine for our next Man of the Fortnight (which wasn't really supposed to become a regular feature, but, oh well). Thanks to Mark for telling me about him and sending pictures; to quote from Mark:

The new Manhunt International 2008 winner Abdelmoumen El Maghraouy hails from Morocco from the North West Coast of Africa. You can call him Moumen for short. He is 26 years old, a Libra and stands at 1.90m. Moumen is the second African Manhunt International winner and the first Arab winner in the contest’s history.

Born in Tangier, Morocco in North Africa, Moumen studied sports science, gymnastics and computers. At 26 years of age, he has been modeling for only two years, after he was scouted in Gibraltar by Mount Productions.

He is the son of a residential home manager who manages the Cheshire Home in Tangier and has a younger sister. He enjoys summer sports and is a great fan of the beach spending as much time as he can there. He also loves playing the guitar and singing. He speaks fluent Arabic, French, Spanish and English.

Moumen has modeled underwear for Jolidon and Pull-in and other big fashion names. He has also taken part as an action extra in many films, including “Kingdom of Heaven”, “Pirates of the Caribbean” and “Body of Lies”, and he has worked alongside Leonardo Di Caprio, Angelina Jolie, Oliver Stone and Orlando Bloom.

Moumen also took second place at International Best Male Model World the year before winning the Manhunt title and he has recently spent a couple of months working in China.

Source: Manhunt

Fotos by: Mark Leighton

Here's Moumen in an advert forNescafe:

Moumen El Maghraouy on Cisoto Fotos:
Moumen El Maghraouy Wet
Moumen El Maghraouy 3
Moumen El Maghraouy Finale

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