Thursday 2 April 2009

Garoto: Bruno Faria Part 3

All right, the rest of the fotos featuring Bruno Faria from Garoto Pop are now available in his foto album; additionally, you can now download all the fotos (images #41-150) via the Rapidshare or Megaupload links below. (As for images #1 to 40, you should get them via the Garoto Pop site itself.) Despite my pleas, I've had a couple of readers bitching at me about the size of the photos; I'll remind you that at the moment, neither Fabio nor I are able to get the full-size fotos to work for us at the Garoto Pop site. I figure that the smaller-sized images are better than none -- if you don't like them, don't download them. Now, enjoy!

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Bruno Faria

Download the fotos via Rapidshare (11.98 MB)

Or, download the same fotos via Megaupload (11.98 MB)

Related: Bruno Faria on Cisoto Fotos

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