Friday 22 May 2009

Rafael Novoa in "Mañana es para siempre"

The Colombian überhunk Rafael Novoa will be joining the telenovela "Mañana es para siempre" -- which currently airs on Univision daily at 9:00 PM EST -- as Miguel Lascurain. Rafael had previously starred in the Colombian version of the novela, "Pura sangre".

These fotos are from, who also provided these, which we've seen before, but these are nice and big:

Actually, many new or new-ish Rafael Novoa fotos have been appearing online lately, so I'll go ahead and make him our latest Man of the Fortnight and post about him several times over the next two weeks!

Rafael Novoa in Cisoto Fotos:
Rafael Novoa
Rafael Novoa Gallery
Rafael Novoa in Revista Donjuan
Rafael Novoa Shy (Mostly)

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