Saturday 4 July 2009

Nando González

Introducing another character and actor from the new Spanish telenovela "Un golpe de suerte": Ginés, who (if I'm understanding right -- I don't speak the language!) is a) the husband of Lourdes (Bárbara de Lema), b) the father of Víctor (José Álvarez), and c) secretly gay. Ginés is played by Nando González, who is a musician as well as an actor and who was born in Tánger and raised in Palma de Mallorca. His official web site is still under construction, but more information on him can be found via his MySpace profile; he's represented by Camelion.

Video #1: Ginés' wife catches him with another man

Video #1: Ginés gets kissed passionately by his male lover (anyone know the actor's name?)

Related posts:
"Un golpe de suerte" on Cisoto Fotos
Toni Bernetti

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