Monday 31 August 2009

Ezequiel Montalt

Ezequiel Montalt is a jazz musician and actor who was born on August 24, 1977 and makes his home in Miami, Florida (I'm not sure where he was born -- anyone know?). He can be seen on Telemundo in "Más sabe el diablo", where he plays Cristian Acero, the closeted gay brother of the villain Martín Acero (Miguel Varoni). Ezequiel sings and plays the trumpet in a jazz group called E-Jazz. Many of the fotos below come from his Facebook profile.

MSN Telemundo has a foto gallery entitled "Del odio al amor" (From hatred to love) which features la atracción between Christian and Horacio (an openly gay character on "Más sabe el diablo" played by Carlos Camacho):

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