Friday 16 October 2009

Vote Zack Vazquez / Become a Fan!

So, I received a message with the following and thought I repost here (warning: Don't know if this is truly zack vasquez or someone else):

Hey I was wondering if you can do me a favor. Im in this contest and I need to round up points and votes. If you vote for me I get 1 point but if you register and fan me I get 15.Recruiting fans is definately the way to win this thing and Im definately trying to win so your support is key!!!!I need my peeps to come through so Hook a brother up! lol. hope your doing well, . Hit me up..................heres the link
tell everyone u know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- make sure you are not signed into to Facebook

- go to the HBITW home page
- click on "Girls, sign-up to fan hot guys" - big button under the main image
- enter your FB ID and p/w (if it does not do this automatically)
- enter all the fields correctly, and click on the image to upload your own image
- press "go to profile"
- now go to my profile and try to fan me


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