Wednesday 6 January 2010

Roger Berruezo Vivancos in "El Fascinant Noi..."

Last year, from November 11 to December 13 in the Teatre Lliure, our Man of the Fortnight, Spanish singer/actor/model/dancer Roger Berruezo Vivancos, performed in El fascinant noi que treia la llengua quan feia treballs manuals, a play written by and starring Albert Espinosa. Billing itself "A new comedy on sex and theatre," it asks the question, "Is it possible to paint sex? -- When love fascinates us perhaps we do not dare to confess it in case it loses its charm."

El fascinant noi tells the story of a painter who must finish a trilogy that years ago his mother suggested. He's painted two of the three parts: childhood and death, and now must paint the last theme: sex. A policeman and a boy with supernatural powers (Roger Berruezo) will help this young painter to finish his work.

The other young man in the pictures, and the third member of the small cast, is Juanma Falcón.

This is our last post (for now) featuring Roger Berruezo. Here are some links for further investigation: -- official site, under construction
Official fotolog
Blog devoted to him
Roger Berruezo on Facebook
Roger Berruezo on MySpace

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