Thursday 26 January 2012

Abs-olutely Essential

Whenever I make a mega-theme post and place the Man of the Week on top, sometimes he gets lost in the suffle because his photo simply doesn't stand out from the pack. But for a post on Abs- I think few men are in the same league as Chet Corey. His abs takes home the gold!

Sam Kneen.

Tyler Kenyon.

William Price.

Steve Dehler.

Spencer Neville.

Trey Hoffart.

Seth Kuhlmann.

Sean Harley.


Patrick Mouellet.

Justin Deeley.

Jamie Alderton.

Ellis McCreadie.

David Gilkey.

Caio Cesar.

Andreas Zi.

Chad White.

An abs-post without the contribution of Martin Pichler...
is like a sandwich without the contribution of bread.

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