Monday 2 April 2012


As my life changes, I find less and less time to devote to the blog and fewer and fewer reasons to maintain it. I still appreciate the comments tremendously, and they are part of the reasons I keep churning out posts after posts even though it feels more like work than a fun hobby sometimes. I also keep motivated by my fellow bloggers who continue to present the beauty in men in such inspiring ways.

And then when I see a guy like Anthony Greenfield, and discover more and more pix of him...I get that happy-go-giddy feeling that sparks my interest once again, forcing me to postpone the inevitable closure to this blog.

What I'm trying to say is...I will continue to keep regular updates of this blog, and I will give you at least a month's heads up if I do decide to cease this publication. But for now, please enjoy more of Anthony for the rest of this week...

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