Tuesday 29 October 2013

Get (Cock) Positive


Blogger buddy Westernstock, over at Enhanced Masculinity, has been doing a series on the Positive and Negative aspects of sexuality. It's a very good series and deserves to be read - particularly if religion ties you into fits of guilt over your natural instincts regarding sex.

The issue we all face as humans is accepting that we are sexual beings; we engage in sex for reasons other than procreation. Throughout our lives this simple fact of life is oppressed by religious factions of our upbringing, further repressed by our own feelings of guilt, and extended by the denial of the male genitalia.

It begins with adults informing us with all manner of negative adjectives to describe or otherwise inform us on our genitals. At worst they're "dirty," at best they're "private." We shouldn't see males in underwear in papers or television ads, male frontal nudity in film is considered pornography. My gosh, a large percentage of the male population can't even take a piss unless their pricks are hidden by privacy panels. That's how strong an influence society in general has had on our attitudes and how we view what nature has provided.

Before one can come to accept and embrace one's sexual nature - regardless of orientation - one must learn to accept and embrace what one has been born with. And, I think, therein lies the problem. The extremist, far-right factions of the world's societies (mostly men) have not accepted, and cannot accept, how the sexual self works and responds; they cannot embrace it. Therefore, they work to repress. They prefer that men deny the vast array of natural sexual response, and that women turn back the clock to subservience.


Rather than denying and hiding it, accept what nature provided. Accept how it works and responds. Then you will be able to embrace what you've been given and enjoy it.









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