Thursday 13 October 2011

Cosmo Bachelors 2011

It's October! And it's time for the annual Cosmopolitan showcase of single men!
I'll name my favorites at the end of this post!

Top Shirtless Guys
1 & 2) Mr. & Mr. Tennessee (Shane & Aaron Scott)
3) Mr. Alabama (Thomas Wilson)
4) Mr. Ohio (Chris Van Vliet)
5) Mr. Hawaii (Chris Pemberton)

Open-Shirt Guys
1) Mr. Michigan (Anthony Greenfield--You'll see a lot of him in the future!)
2) Mr. Utah (Chris Thompson)
3) Mr. North Carolina (Micah Tootoo)
4) Mr. Nebraska (Tyler Wortman)

Fully-clothes Guys
1) Mr. Texas (Bradley Nobile)
2) Mr. Wyoming (Tyler Beauchamp)
3) Mr. Oregon (Tal DeWitt)
4) Mr. Louisiana (Patrick Farr)

Alright, your turn! Post your own list of the top 5 (more or less) men!
*Also, yes, it took me a lot of time to scan 14 pages, crop 51 pix, and upload them, so please do acknowledge this blog if you repost the images elsewhere. Appreciate it*

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