Wednesday 20 March 2013

My Knight in Shining Armor: Christopher Leabu

*This post was originally published 9/15/09. It's been quite a long time since we've seen anything major from him. I promise that the last day of the month, we will see Chris's very latest photo. And it's a knockout! So be patient, my dears.*

It's amazing how time can do wonders to a man! A few years ago, I regarded Christopher Leabu as just another cute but indistinguishable Abercrombie cookie-cutter kid. The pictures I saw of him just didn't excite me in any way. Frankly, I thought he was pretty forgettable.

But damn, I am soo happy to be wrong!

Of all the men I've seen undergo major transformation, Christopher's changes may be the most subtle, yet absolutely significant. Studying his pictures, I see that his facial structure has slimmed slightly, but its his confidence to wear stubbly facial hair that really makes him so distinguished. He turned from a cutish boy into a certified handsome man!

Another great change is Christopher's willingness to smile in his photoshoots! Baring teeth, gums, tongue, and all. Absolutely adorable.

As he takes off his shirt, we can see the change to his body is just as magnificent as the change to his face. Toned, defined, and perfect. Absolutely amazing!

Not stopping there, Christopher outdid himself recently by undergoing another major transformation...

Yep, it's that patch of hair on his chest!

Usually, I don't care for body hair because I feel it softens the musculature that a man works so hard to achieve, but Christopher wears it and manages to look even buffer than before. Absolutely astounding...

So, like, what does that post have anything to do with 'knight in shining armor'? Well, if a warrior came rescuing you from a dragon, and when he took his helmet off, wouldn't it be wonderful if he had the face of Chris Leabu?

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