Monday 28 September 2009

Lubomir Kovachev Любомир Ковачев

Любомир Ковачев -- Liubomir (or Lyubomir) Kovachev -- is a 28-year-old actor from Bulgaria who spent part of his childhood in France. He plays the part of Christian Sartori (Кристиян Сартори) in the telenovela "Забранена любов" (Zabranena lubov/Forbidden Love); Christian is engaged to a woman with whom he's had a baby, but he finds himself attracted to a man named Valery (played by Иван Юруков/Ivan Yurukov). You can see more of Lubomir in this foto album.

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Lubomir Kovachev Любомир Ковачев

Some links (all in Bulgarian, except one):
His page on Гилдия на актьорите към Съюза на Артистите в България (Screen Actors Guild at the Union of Artists in Bulgaria, available in English)
His profile on
His character's profile page on the Забранена любов/Forbidden Love web site
Two articles about him: Рицарят хулиган ("Knight Hooligan") and Крис от “Забранена любов” ("Chris from 'Forbidden Love'")

You can follow Chris and Valery's story -- with English subtitles! -- over on slashwoman's Youtube account. First, go to her Favorites and watch the videos numbered #1 to 12; then, to finish off the season, watch episodes #105, #108, and #109 (not yet subtitled, but summaries and/or translations are given in the notes). Finally, check out the preview for the upcoming new season, which shows Chris kissing Мартин (Martin, played by Niki Iliev/Ники Илиев -- see the "related post" below). Wonder if Martin will like it?

Related post: Niki Iliev/Ники Илиев

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