Monday 28 September 2009

Niki Iliev Ники Илиев

Ники Илиев (Niki Iliev) is an actor who was born on October 10, 1981 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The son of the famous Bulgarian director Бойко Илиев/Boyko Iliev, he plays the character of Мартин Константинов/Martin Konstantinov in the telenovela "Забранена любов" (Zabranena lubov/Forbidden Love). He's also a model, represented by Ексграунд/XGround. You can find more of him in this foto album.

Cisoto Fotoalbum: Niki Iliev Ники Илиев

Links (all in Bulgarian, natch):
His profile on
Niki Iliev Facebook Page
His character's profile on the Забранена любов/Forbidden Love site
Interview and article about Niki
slashwoman's YouTube channel, which features clips from "Forbidden Love". The focus here is on the Chris/Valery relationship (see the "related link" below), but Niki is in many of the videos

Related post: Lubomir Kovachev Любомир Ковачев

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